Bedwetting Blog
Is anxiety the cause of your child’s bedwetting?
It’s not uncommon for a ‘fear of the dark’ to be the reason for a child’s bedwetting.
Should you 'lift' your child to prevent bedwetting?
Carrying your sleepy child to the bathroom so they can have a wee 'just in case' might sound like a good idea, but can cause more problems in the long run.
Does bed wetting run in families?
It’s common to hear stories from parents of bedwetting children that they too, wet their bed until quite late. But is it a good idea to tell your child?
Bedwetting Survey Results
The bedwetting survey results look great - 85% of parents would recommend this programme.
Is deep sleeping the cause of bedwetting?
Many parents are accidentally programming their child’s mind to be a deep sleeper, without realising it.
Do Star Charts work for bedwetting?
Star charts are a very popular way to get your child to do something so it’s not surprising that they are often suggested as a way to solve bedwetting. But beware - they can cause more problems!
Is Medication for Bedwetting the Answer?
Many children are referred to specialist Enuresis Clinics and it’s not uncommon to be prescribed medications designed to mimic hormones in the body.
Do some food and drinks cause bedwetting?
It is possible that certain foods and drinks are the cause of your child’s bedwetting problem. It’s a good idea to keep a food diary for that reason.