Online coaching programme for kids
Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days
Fed up of wet beds and endless washing?
You're not alone! Almost one million children in the UK are currently stuck with a miserable bedwetting habit and quite often this carries on throughout the teenage years - when it becomes so much harder to stop.
Parents are often told to wait for their child to simply 'grow out of it' and that can be really frustrating, because you never know when - or even if - it will happen.
Wish your child had more confidence for sleepovers and school trips?
Children who get stuck with a miserable bedwetting habit can feel as if they're 'second-best' and pretty quickly... they start to act as if they are second-best.
Invitations to spend time with friends get declined and school trips away from home weigh heavily on their mind, sometimes for months on end.
It's only natural to want to avoid situations that might be embarrassing.
Do you keep going round in circles searching for solutions?
So many parents exhaust themselves, searching for answers and solutions. After trying bedwetting alarms, making trips to doctors and specialist clinics and even taking medications, it's common to simply 'give up'.
In most cases, the reason for a bedwetting problem is that your child has developed a habit that's become entrenched - and it's now just not that easy to change. It's the same with thumb-sucking and nail-biting. Habits can be hard to break - as so many of us know!
Well, here's some good news.
You can solve your child's bedwetting problem faster with this
online video training programme.
Meet the bedwetting expert Alicia Eaton
Hello, my name's Alicia Eaton and I've been helping children solve bedwetting problems for over 15 years from my Harley Street practice in London - so I can safely say I am an expert on this topic.
My 'Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days' programme is a unique blend of psychology based on the latest research from the fields of neuroscience, behaviour change, hypnotherapy and NLP and has been a global best-seller for over ten years. This is a more natural way of approaching a bedwetting problem and more in tune with the stages of your child's development.
My ‘Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days’ method is designed to do two things.
Firstly, to encourage your child to get a better night’s sleep. Too often it’s thought that bedwetting children are sleeping too deeply - which in a sense, is true. But at the same time, there’s also a lot of unwanted activity in the brain often causing nightmares, night terrors, sleep walking and disorder breathing. There’s a relaxing hypnotic audio recording to listen to at night time to help with this.
Secondly, my programme encourages new neural pathways to develop that will improve the messaging between the bladder and the brain - the control centre that's in charge of everything your child does.
The way that your child thinks and processes their thoughts is what encourages the mind and body to work together. This is not something new or strange and in fact, is already a part of your child’s natural development.
You'll see this in action whenever your child practises a new skill such as writing their name, tying shoelaces, learning how to swim or ride a bike. It can be tricky to learn new things and requires a bit of concentration but after time, with practise your child will then ‘download’ the new behaviour to a part of the mind that helps them to operate on ‘auto-pilot’. In other words, they no longer have to consciously think about doing it - it happens automatically.
Repeating actions over and over again is how all human beings learn new skills and in fact, it’s how most of us learned to drive a car. Remember all those driving lessons you had?
As your child watches the short video clips, I'll do the talking and training while you simply sit back and watch. This Your child's confidence will get a much needed boost and I also give plenty of parenting advice to help you avoid common mistakes.
Psychological studies show that we're more likely to succeed at changing a habit with consistent daily practice - it's how the human mind works best. And I'm here to help you through that.
With my help and guidance, from the comfort and safety of your own home, you'll quickly see your child become more confident and self assured, excited about school trips and overnight stays with friends.
This method is completely natural
About the Programme
The Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days Online Coaching Programme is designed to make the process of solving your child’s bedwetting as easy as possible. Your child watches one episode each day and these are no longer than 15-20 minutes with 10 episodes in all.
We all know that today’s kids need no extra encouragement to sit and watch videos on their screen and the concept of online learning is something they’re already familiar with. So this will be the easiest way for them to learn how to take control of their body.
As your child watches the slide show with images that I’ve carefully chosen, the gentle background music helps them to relax - and it’s my voice that guides them through this programme. Of course, I’ve chosen the words that I speak very carefully and they’re exactly the kind of things that I would be saying if your child came to visit me for a consultation in my Harley Street office. So they’ll be getting the very best guidance.
My coaching programme makes it easier for your child to acquire the skills they need through practical exercises too. After watching each short video, there’s a follow up activity such as drawing a picture, writing a few words in a journal, a visualisation technique or listening to a relaxing eyes-closed hypnotic audio recording. These exercises are all designed to speed up the development of new neural pathways - the vital messaging system between the mind and body.
The coaching programme comes as a complete package so you’ll get lots of EXTRAS too:
A copy of the best-selling book.
Top Tips section - extra guidance for being successful.
10 video episodes for your child to watch.
Two audio recordings: ‘Dry Beds Now’ and ‘Stop Bedwetting Now’ to listen to at bedtime.
A set of blank forms to make recording each day’s follow-up exercises easier to track.
A 28-Day Diary for you to print out and complete.
Toilet Guide.
PLUS: A money back guarantee (yes, really).
You’ll be able to simply relax and watch as:
- Your child’s confidence gets a much-needed boost.
- Sleepovers and school trips become something to look forward to.
- Family holidays become enjoyable experiences.
- Shopping bills go down as you ditch buying all that night-time protection.
- Washing sheets and changing beds becomes a thing of the past.
Theres nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Buy the coaching programme for your child - £197
The online coaching programme for kids comes with a Money Back Guarantee too.
Suitable for all ages 5 - 12 years
Whether your child is just 5 years old and starting out on their 'dry beds' journey - or perhaps is older, having suffered a few setbacks and disappointment, this programme will help to put them on the right track.
Do you have a child that is 12 or above? I have created another programme for this age range. Find out more here.
How the bedwetting programme works
Because bedwetting occurs at night-time - in other words, when your child is fast asleep - they can't ‘consciously’ take control of the habit and simply practise the new skill over and over again until they've got it right. They're asleep!
That's why the ‘Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days’ programme takes a different approach: we'll be changing the habit through the power of the imagination.
It’s a clever way of encouraging the body to behave in a better way. By ‘mentally rehearsing’ the skill, behaviour or habit that you want to acquire, you can train your body into behaving in the way that you want.
New neural pathways develop as a result of this directed thinking and the signals and messages that run between the brain and the bladder, then develop in the correct way.
Your child’s sleep patterns will also improve as the calming, soothing eyes-closed audio download they listen to at night-time, will ensure a more restful night’s sleep for both of you.
Buy the coaching programme for your child - £197
The online coaching programme for kids comes with a Money Back Guarantee too.
“I was very skeptical that we could solve our bedwetting problem in a week. Well, I was absolutely wrong. Both of my children (8 and 10) were dry by day 7! I really can’t thank you enough. I am completely amazed. Thank you! I just wish I had done it sooner."
- Rob Bohn - Relieved Dad, NY
"I bought your programme for our 4.5 year old son Edward, who has never had a dry night before. We’re 7 days in and he’s had 4 dry nights. This has been such an easy, pleasant and positive way to approach the problem. Just wanted to say thanks! So glad we avoided all the alarms and doctors!"
- Jennifer Johnson - Happy Mum, CA
"I have found the 'Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days' programme to be clear and effective and indeed recommend it to a number of my patients."
Dr Anne Wright, Children's Bladder Consultant, Evelina Children's NHS Hospital, Guy's & St. Thomas's Trust, London
Do you still have questions about the programme? Contact me here.
Need Extra Help?
To go alongside your Stop Bedwetting programme, I can offer you a personal consultations, monthly coaching or my premium service - I’ll be your support and guide, as well as your child’s tutor and cheerleader. It’s also possible to work through any other issues your child may have such as general anxiety, sleep problems, school or exam stress.
One-to-one Consultations
Personal time with me is the next step up from my online programme. I offer virtual appointments via Zoom and also in-person appointments in my Harley Street clinic in London.
It’s possible to start with a 30-minute parenting call via Zoom. I’ll give you advice, support and information on how best to manage the problem and you might find this call is all you need.
Evening or weekend appointments are available and I can accommodate different time zones.
30 minute Parenting calls via Zoom: £150
1-hour consultation in London - £300 per hour.
1-hour consultation via Zoom - £250
We can also work together on a longer term, monthly basis.
Personalised Monthly Coaching
This is an individualised programme that provides accountability, support and guidance for your child for one whole month.
You have the additional option of an in-person session in London, before we start our online package of sessions. This is useful if you feel anxiety plays a big part in your child’s life.
With this monthly coaching option, I’ll meet with your via Zoom and at the same time they’ll also follow my online programme. I’ll be tracking their progress and ensure things are going well. There’s always an option for an additional call should there be a bit of a crisis.
I also include Zoom calls for parents and we’ll be in regular email contact throughout. I’ll be giving you progress updates, extra advice and tips on how to manage things at your end. We’ll work together as a team.
One month Coaching - £1,495
Three months Coaching - £4,000
Bespoke Service
This is a tailor-made service that will accommodate all your needs and so I can only work like this with a few families each year.
We’ll work closely together for a minimum of six weeks and I can accommodate foreign travel, consultations at home, school visits as well as an out-of-hours and weekend service.
I know how difficult it can be to solve a bedwetting problem and so a ‘hands-on’ approach from a professional may be just what you need. We’ll get to know each other well during our time together and so it’s likely I’ll become more of a family therapist to you all, solving other problems along the way.
As well as tackling the bedwetting problem, you’ll have the benefit of my experience and expert advice across the board - including medical and educational. I can arrange appointments for blood tests, nutrition/dietary advice, physiotherapy, educational, dyslexia and ADHD support. I have a very good contact list and will give you the benefit of my extensive knowledge, in order to solve all your problems.
We’ll have an initial interview to discuss how this could work for you and to see if we’re a good fit for each other.
Varies according to your specific needs and requirements.