Staying Positive for your child to beat Bedwetting

How to stay positive when your child is wetting the bed

It’s important to remain positive, encouraging and enthusiastic throughout any period of training to get your bedwetting child dry at night, for the more confident you can appear, the more likely your child is to be successful.

Praise your child regularly and be sympathetic if they have an accident one night and treat it as a ‘one-off’.  Remind your child that sticking to the exercises on the Stop Bedwetting programme will ensure that they will have dry nights forever.


Remember too, that if your child has been wearing some form of night time protection all his life, this is potentially going to be the first time they will ever have experienced a wet bed. It’s not pleasant; it’s uncomfortable and it’s disruptive – so it’s important that you stay strong for your child during this time.

Your child might need motivation to beat Bedwetting

We all need a bit of motivation to change bad habits in our lives – think back to the last time you wanted to make changes in your life: lose weight, quit smoking or take up exercise for example. You probably thought about doing something for quite a while before you actually got to the point of taking action. Something tipped you over the edge and spurred you into action. It’s going to be the same for your child.

I was contacted by one father who worried because his son had really lost his temper one night – he had kicked his wardrobe door and sobbed ‘I’m so fed up with all of this!’.  I reassured the father that this was actually a good sign. And sure enough, one week later I received an email telling me that the boy had been dry every night since.

Think about it – when life is too comfortable there is no incentive for any of us to make changes. – why would we bother? And in just the same way, if your bedwetting child never experiences a degree of discomfort, his mind will find it much harder to register what ‘success’ looks and feels like.

But let’s face it – no magic fairy is going to fly through your child’s bedroom window at night, wave her wand and make your child’s bedwetting magically disappear.  It’s going to take a positive approach to beat bedwetting, combined with persistence and training of the right sort. Keeping dry at night is a really important life skill that your child needs to acquire and you are doing absolutely the right thing by putting them on the Stop Bedwetting training path to success.

Don’t give up!

Too often I have found that parents give in just at the point at which their child was about to turn things around for themselves. Have trust and faith in your child’s ability to work through this problem – all you need to do is support them.

Remember, your child is going to encounter many disappointments and failures in his life – we all do. Your child will not pass every single exam he sits and nor will everyone he meets instantly take a liking to him. Learning how to deal with disappointments by dusting yourself down, picking yourself back up and striving for success once more is going to be one of the very best life lessons your child can learn.

Skills developed to beat Bedwetting can be transferrable to all areas of life

In fact, being a bedwetter could prove to be to your child’s advantage, rather than disadvantage in life. So many times now, I’ve watched children who’ve used this system to fix their bedwetting, go on to use the same positive techniques and approach to achieve success in other areas of their life – be it in the classroom, on the sports field or even on stage.

Best Selling Author and Award Winning Practitin er

Alicia Eaton  About the Author

Alicia Eaton is a Harley Street based psychotherapist specialising in helping families with behaviour change and emotional wellbeing. She is also the author of four best-selling books including: ‘Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days’ and ‘First Aid for your Child’s Mind’. She was also voted a Winner in the ‘Global Health & Pharma’ Mental Health Awards 2023 and 2024.

For more details see


With 10 years as a Squarespace Circle Member, website designer and content creator, Rosanna shares tips and resources about design, content marketing and running a website design business on her blog. She’s also a Flodesk University Instructor (with 11+ years expertise in email marketing), and runs Cornwall’s most popular travel & lifestyle blog too.

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